News Release
October 12, 2018
MELTEC CO., LTD. wins the Presidential Award in Resource Circulation Technologies and Systems
On October 11, 2018 MELTEC (Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture) won the Presidential Award from the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI) as part of its FY2018 Awards for Resource Circulation Technologies and Systems.
This award program was launched in 1975 with support from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), with the aim of extensively calling for and recognizing outstanding projects and efforts by companies and other industrial groups possessing excellent technologies or advanced systems that contribute to waste reduction, reuse and recycling (3R).
For 19 years since its founding in 1999, MELTEC has been melting materials such as ash that have traditionally been disposed of in landfills, to manufacture aggregate for use as construction material and recover precious metals such as gold and heavy metals such as zinc. MELTEC received the recent award because the results of these steps were recognized as significant contributions to the building of a recycling-oriented society.
The DOWA Group will continue to promote proper processing or recycling of waste materials.